Contact Us

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USPS (Snail Mail)
We want to hear from you. Please address all written correspondence for to the following mailing address:
- Richard & Laurie Collett
- Rhapsody Ballroom
- 12101 N. 56th St.
- Tampa, FL, 33617
To reach by telephone, please call the Rhapsody Ballroom at:
- 813-985-6570
To minimize the amount of spam we receive, we have not placed direct email links on our site. Instead, we ask that you use this simple contact form, which also assures that your message is directed to the correct party. [ all fields are required ]
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| is owned and operated by Richard and Laurie Collett, national ballroom dance champions, and owners of the Rhapsody Ballroom in Tampa, Florida. Click here to learn more about the Colletts.
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